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This is Perhaps

Perhaps is a lightweight Maybe type implementation for handling optional values in TypeScript. I designed the Maybe type to manage situations where values may be present or absent more gracefully and robustly, based on Haskall’s Maybe type monad.


Install Perhaps via npm:

Terminal window
npm install perhaps-ts


Creating Maybe Instances

Creating Maybe instances is straightforward. You can use the static methods Just and Nothing or their corresponding helper functions.

import { Maybe, Just, Nothing } from "perhaps-ts";
// Using static methods
const maybeValue = Maybe.Just(5);
const noValue = Maybe.Nothing<number>();
// Using helper functions
const anotherMaybeValue = Just(10);
const anotherNoValue = Nothing<string>();

Checking for Values

To determine if a Maybe instance has a value (Just) or is empty (Nothing), use the IsJust and IsNothing methods.

if (maybeValue.IsJust()) console.log("This is Just:", maybeValue.FromJust());
if (noValue.IsNothing()) console.log("This is Nothing");

Retrieving Values

To safely retrieve the value from a Just instance, use the FromJust or ToChecked methods. Be cautious, as these methods will throw an error if called on a Nothing instance.

try {
const value = maybeValue.FromJust();
console.log("Value:", value);
} catch (error) {
try {
const value = noValue.ToChecked();
} catch (error) {
console.error(error.message); // Maybe: Attempted to access value of Nothing

Default Values

Provide a default value when dealing with Maybe instances to ensure you always have a fallback.

const valueOrDefault = noValue.FromMaybe(42);
console.log("Value or Default:", valueOrDefault); // Outputs: 42

Conditional Value Extraction

Extract the value into an output object conditionally if the instance is Just.

const output = {};
if (maybeValue.To(output)) {
console.log("Extracted Value:", output.value); // Extracted Value: 5
} else {
console.log("No value to extract");

Alternatively, use the To method with a custom key.

type Output = { data?: number };
const output: Output = {};
if (maybeValue.To(output, "data")) {
console.log("Extracted Data:",; // Extracted Data: 5
} else {
console.log("No data to extract");

Equality Comparisons

Compare Maybe instances for equality with the equals and notEquals methods.

const maybe1 = Just(5);
const maybe2 = Just(5);
const maybe3 = Nothing<number>();
console.log(maybe1.equals(maybe2)); // true
console.log(maybe1.equals(maybe3)); // false
console.log(maybe1.notEquals(maybe3)); // true

Practical Function Examples

Here are some examples of how to write functions that return Maybe<T> instead of T | false, and how to handle these returned values.

Example Function Returning Maybe<T>

A function that searches for an item in an array and returns a Maybe<T> instead of the item or false.

import { Maybe, Just, Nothing } from "perhaps-ts";
function findItem<T>(array: T[], predicate: (item: T) => boolean): Maybe<T> {
for (const item of array) {
if (predicate(item)) {
return Just(item);
return Nothing<T>();
// Usage example
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const result = findItem(numbers, (n) => n === 3);
if (result.IsJust()) {
console.log("Found:", result.FromJust()); // Found: 3
} else {
console.log("Item not found");

Handling and Checking Maybe<T> Values

Use IsJust and IsNothing to handle Maybe<T> values.

const maybeNumber = findItem(numbers, (n) => n === 6);
if (maybeNumber.IsJust()) {
console.log("Found:", maybeNumber.FromJust());
} else {
console.log("Item not found");

Use FromMaybe with a default value.

const valueOrDefault = maybeNumber.FromMaybe(0);
console.log("Value or Default:", valueOrDefault); // Value or Default: 0

Use To for conditional extraction.

const output = {};
if (maybeNumber.To(output)) {
console.log("Extracted Value:", output.value);
} else {
console.log("No value to extract");

Another Function Example

A function that parses an integer from a string and returns Maybe<number>.

function parseIntMaybe(input: string): Maybe<number> {
const parsed = parseInt(input, 10);
if (isNaN(parsed)) {
return Nothing<number>();
return Just(parsed);
// Usage example
const maybeParsed = parseIntMaybe("123");
if (maybeParsed.IsJust()) {
console.log("Parsed integer:", maybeParsed.FromJust()); // Parsed integer: 123
} else {
console.log("Failed to parse integer");
const maybeFailedParsed = parseIntMaybe("abc");
console.log("Parsed or Default:", maybeFailedParsed.FromMaybe(0)); // Parsed or Default: 0

Returning Maybe<T> from Asynchronous Functions

Using Maybe<T> in an asynchronous function.

async function fetchData(url: string): Promise<Maybe<string>> {
try {
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
return Nothing<string>();
const data = await response.text();
return Just(data);
} catch (error) {
return Nothing<string>();
// Usage example
fetchData("").then((maybeData) => {
if (maybeData.IsJust()) {
console.log("Fetched Data:", maybeData.FromJust());
} else {
console.log("Failed to fetch data");

API Reference

Maybe Class

Static Methods

  • Maybe.Just(value: T): Maybe<T>: Creates a Just instance containing the provided value.
  • Maybe.Nothing<T>(): Maybe<T>: Creates a Nothing instance with no value.

Instance Methods

  • IsJust(): boolean: Returns true if the instance is Just, otherwise false.
  • IsNothing(): boolean: Returns true if the instance is Nothing, otherwise false.
  • FromJust(): T: Returns the value if the instance is Just, otherwise throws an error.
  • ToChecked(): T: Alias for FromJust.
  • FromMaybe(defaultValue: T): T: Returns the value if the instance is Just, otherwise returns the provided default value.
  • To(out: { value?: T }): boolean: If the instance is Just, sets the value in the provided output object and returns true, otherwise returns false.
  • equals(other: Maybe<T>): boolean: Returns true if the other Maybe instance is equal, otherwise false.
  • notEquals(other: Maybe<T>): boolean: Returns true if the other Maybe instance is not equal, otherwise false.

I built Perhaps to simplify handling optional values in TypeScript, providing a clear and expressive way to manage cases where a value may or may not be present. It is built to help you write more robust and expressive code.
